Leadership Transition Coaching

Helping leaders transition into senior leadership roles

Whether recruited from the outside or promoted from within, senior leaders are expected to learn fast, transition smoothly, and start producing results. By nature of the role, a new senior leader’s action or inaction will significantly influence success or failure and the course of business. Many leaders are unprepared for their transitions and are under-supported by their organizations. As a result, some have suggested that nearly half of leadership transitions fail.

Leadership transition coaching focuses on the special set of issues leaders face when they take new leadership positions, including:

  • accelerating the value the executive brings to the new role, team, and culture  

  • improving the effectiveness of the executive in the new role

  • assessing and learning the culture and norms of the organization

  • integrating into the culture and teams

  • building relationships with key stakeholders

  • creating a plan of action to achieve positive, visible impact

The goals of leadership transition coaching include:

  • Increasing the speed of onboarding and decreasing the time to integration and execution

  • Reducing executive missteps or mistakes that lead to slow or failed transitions

  • Creating a transition that is smooth for the executive and leads to executive and team engagement

  • Minimizing organization effort to facilitate the transition

“Having transitioned into several senior positions in my career, having a practical and effective multi-dimensional plan smoothed my transition and set the table for my long-term success.”
- Chief Legal Officer, Major Consumer Products Company


Leadership Assessments


Leadership Workshops